

東邦大学 医学部
(医学部 1号館 9階)

TEL 03-3762-4151



No. 著者名 演題名 掲載誌名 ページ
1 Ohno A, Ishii Y, Ma L and Yamaguchi K Problems related to MIC determination of oximino-type expanded-spectrum cephems against Proteus vulgaris J Clin Microbiol 38 677-681 2000
2 Miyazaki S, Shintani M, Matsumoto T, Tateda K and Yamaguchi K Comparative evaluation of conjugate vaccines in the Haemophilus influenzae infection model Can J. Microbiol     2000
3 Tawara S, Ikeda F, Maki K, Morishita Y, Otomo K, Teratani N, Goto T, Tomishima M, Ohki H, Yamada A, Kawabata K, Takasugi H, Sakane K, Tanaka H, Matsumoto F and Kuwahara S In vitro activities of a new lipopeptide antifungal agent, FK463, against a variety of clinically important fungi Antimicrob Agents Chemother 44 57-62 2000
4 Matsumoto S, Wakai Y, Nakai T, Hatano K, Ushitani T, Ikeda F, Tawara S, Goto T, Matsumoto F and Kuwahara S Efficacy of FK463, a new lipopeptide antifungal agent, in mouse models of pulmonary aspergillosis Antimicrob Agents Chemother 44 619-621 2000
5 Suzuki K, Tateda K, Matsumoto T, Gondaira F, Tsujimoto S and Yamaguchi K Interaction between Escherichia coli verotoxin and lipopolysaccharide on cytokine induction and lethality in mice J Med Microbiol     2000
6 Yoshida K, Matsumoto T, Tateda K, Uchida K, Tsujimoto S and Yamaguchi K Role of bacterial capsule in local and systemic inflammatory responses of mice during pulmonary infection with Klebsiella pneumoniae J Med Microbiol 49 1003-1010 2000
7 Kodaka H, Mizuochi S, Honda T and Yamaguchi K Improvement of mannitol lysine crystal violet brilliant green agar for the selective isolation of H2Spositive Salmonella J Food Protection 63 1643-1647 2000
8 Yonezawa M, Sugiyama H, Kizawa K, Hori R, Mitsuyama J, Araki H, Shimakura M, Minami S, Watanabe Y and Yamaguchi K A new model of pulmonary superinfection with Aspergillus fumigatus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in mice J Infect Chemother 6 155-161 2000
9 Yoshida K, Matsumoto T, Tateda K, Uchida K, Tsujimoto S and Yamaguchi K Role of bacterial capsule in local and systemic inflammatory responses of mice during pulmonary infection with Klebsiella pneumoniae J Med Microbiol 49 1003-1010 2000
10 Murakami M, Tateda K, Matsumoto T, Miyazaki S and Yamaguchi K Efficacy of a novel tetracycline derivative, glycylcycline, against penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumonia in a mouse model of pneumoni J Antimicrob Chemother 46 629-631 2000
11 Suzuki K, Tateda K, Matsumoto T, Gondaira F, Tsujimoto S and Yamaguchi K Effects of interaction between Escherichia coli verotoxin and lipopolysaccharide on cytokine induction and lethality in mice J Med Microbiol 49 905-910 2000
12 Tateda K, Ishii Y, Matsumoto T, Kobayashi T, Miyazaki S and Yamaguchi K Potential role of macrolide antibiotics to inhibit protein synthesis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa:suppression of virulence factors and stress response J Infect Chemother 6 1-7 2000
13 Okamoto H, Miyazaki S, Tateda K, Ishii Y and Yamaguchi K Comparative in vitro activity of telithromycin (HMR 3647), three macrolides, amoxycillin, cefdinir and levofloxacin against gram-positive clinical isolates in Japan J Antimicrob Chemother 46 797-802 2000
14 Chen GH, Reddy RC, Newstead MW, Tateda K, Kyasapura BL and Standiford TJ Intrapulmonary TNF gene therapy reverses sepsis-induced suppression of lung antibacterial host defense J Immunol 165 6496-6503 2000
15 Miyazaki S, Shintani M, Matsumoto T, Tateda K and Yamaguchi K Comparative evaluation of conjugate vaccines in the Haemophilus influenzae infection model Can J. Microbiol 46 358-362 2000