東邦大学 医学部
社会医学講座 衛生学分野/予防医療学分野
TEL 03-3762-4151(内線2405)
FAX 03-5493-5416
- Yamada M, Nishiwaki Y, Michikawa T, Takebayashi T. Impact of hearing difficulty on dependence in activities of daily living (ADL) and mortality: A 3-year cohort study of community-dwelling Japanese older adults. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. . 2011;52(3):245-9.
- Matsumoto M, Okada E, Kaneko Y, Ichihara D, Watanabe K, Chiba K, Toyama Y, Fujiwara H, Momoshima S, Nishiwaki Y, Hashimoto T, Takahata T. Wedging of vertebral bodies at the thoracolumbar junction in asymptomatic healthy subjects on magnetic resonance imaging. Surg Radiol Anat. 2011;33(3):223-8.
- Okada E, Matsumoto M, Ichihara D, Chiba K, Toyama Y, Fujiwara H, Momoshima S, Nishiwaki Y, Takahata T. Cross-sectional area of posterior extensor muscles of the cervical spine in asymptomatic subjects: a 10-year longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging study. Eur Spine J. 2011;20(9):1567-73.
- Nishiwaki Y, Michikawa T, Yamada M, Eto N, Takebayashi T. Knee Pain and Future Self-Reliance in Older Adults: Evidence From a Community-Based 3-Year Cohort Study in Japan. J Epidemiol. 2011;21(3):184-90.
- Nishiwaki Y, Michikawa T, Eto N, Takebayashi T. Body mass index misclassification due to kyphotic posture in Japanese community-dwelling adults aged 65 years and older. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2011;66(3):326-31.
- Jinzaki M, Matsumoto K, Kikuchi E, Sato K, Horiguchi Y, Nishiwaki Y, Silverman SG. Comparison of CT Urography and Excretory Urography in the Detection and Localization of Urothelial Carcinoma of the Upper Urinary Tract. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2011;196(5):1102-9.
- Kono H, Machida M, Saito M, Nishiwaki Y, Hosogane N, Chiba K, Miyamoto T, Matsumoto M, Toyama Y. Mechanism of osteoporosis in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: experimental scoliosis in pinealectomized chickens. J Pineal Res. 2011;51(4):387-93.
- Nakamura M, Nishiwaki Y, Ushida T, Toyama Y. Prevalence and characteristics of chronic musculoskeletal pain in Japan. J Orthop Sci. 2011;16(4):424-32.
- Uchino M, Nishiwaki Y, Michikawa T, Shirakawa K, Kuwahara E, Yamada M, Dogru M, Schaumberg DA, Kawakita T, Takebayashi T, Tsubota K. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Dry Eye Disease in Japan: Koumi Study. Ophthalmology. 2011;118(12):2361-7.
- Katano S, Nakamura Y, Okuda N, Murakami Y, Chiba N, Yoshita K, Tanaka T, Tamaki J, Takebayashi T, Okayama A, Miura K, Okamura T, Ueshima H; HIPOP-OHP Research Group. Relationship between Dietary and Other Lifestyle Habits and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Men. Diabetol Metab Syndr. 2011;14;3:30.
- Kondo N, Suda Y, Nakao A, Oh-Oka K, Suzuki K, Ishimaru K, Sato M, Tanaka T, Nagai A, Yamagata Z. Maternal psychosocial factors determining the concentrations of transforming growth factor-beta in breast milk. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2011;22(8):853-61.
- Katano S, Nakamura Y, Nakamura A, Murakami Y, Tanaka T, Takebayashi T, Okayama A, Miura K, Okamura T, Ueshima H; HIPOP-OHP Research Group. Relationship between sleep duration and clustering of metabolic syndrome diagnostic components. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 2011;4:119-25.
- 田中太一郎、岡村智教:虚血性心疾患の最近の疫学的動向から見た実地診療のすすめかた.Medical Practice 28巻9号 Page1506-1512 (2011.09)
- 田中太一郎、岡村智教:脂質異常症と動脈硬化の疫学的エビデンスは? Heart View(1342-6591)15巻9号 Page915-920(2011.09)
- Suzuki K, Kondo N, Sato M, Tanaka T, Ando D, Yamagata Z. Gender differences in the association between maternal smoking during pregnancy and childhood growth trajectories: multilevel analysis. Int J Obes (Lond). 2011;35(1):53-9.
- Hayashino Y, Fukuhara S, Okamura T, Tanaka T, Ueshima H; for the HIPOP-OHP Research Group. High oolong tea consumption predicts future risk of diabetes among Japanese male workers: a prospective cohort study. Diabet Med. 2011;28(7):805-10.
- 吉村典子, 中村耕三, 阿久根徹, 藤原佐枝子, 清水容子, 吉田英世, 大森豪, 須藤啓広, 西脇祐司, 吉田宗人, 下方浩史. 【運動器疾患の予防と治療】 高齢者運動器疾患の疫学と新たな疾患概念 腰痛・膝痛・骨折に関する大規模コホート追跡研究. Advances in Aging and Health Research 2011;2010;21-25
- 宮地元彦, 西脇祐司, 安藤大輔, 種田行男, 小熊祐子, 小野玲, 北畠義典, 田中喜代次, 道川武紘, 柳田昌彦, 吉村公雄, 武林亨.【高齢者の虚弱 評価と対策】 虚弱高齢者に対する運動介入の効果. Geriatric Medicine. 2011;49(3);319-322.
- 宮地元彦, 安藤大輔, 種田行男, 小熊祐子, 小野玲, 北畠義典, 田中喜代次, 西脇祐司, 道川武紘, 柳田昌彦, 吉村公雄, 武林亨. サルコペニアの臨床 サルコペニアに対する治療の可能性 運動介入効果に関するシステマティックレビュー. 日本老年医学会雑誌. 2011;48(1);51-54.