
東邦大学 医学部
社会医学講座 衛生学分野/予防医療学分野

TEL 03-3762-4151(内線2405)
FAX 03-5493-5416


  1. Yoshimura N, Akune T, Fujiwara S, Shimizu Y, Yoshida H, Omori G, Sudo A, Nishiwaki Y, Yoshida M, Shimokata H, Suzuki T, Muraki S, Oka H, Nakamura K. Prevalence of knee pain, lumbar pain and its coexistence in Japanese men and women: The Longitudinal Cohorts of Motor System Organ (LOCOMO) study. J Bone Miner Metab. 2013 Nov 9. [Epub ahead of print]
  2. Matsumoto M, Ichihara D, Okada E, Toyama Y, Fujiwara H, Momoshima S, Nishiwaki Y, Takahata T. Modic changes of the cervical spine in patients with whiplash injury: a prospective 11-year follow-up study. Injury. 2013;44(6):819-24.
  3. Nishiwaki Y, Michikawa T, Takebayashi T, Nitta H, Iso H, Inoue M, Tsugane S; Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study Group. Long-term exposure to particulate matter in relation to mortality and incidence of cardiovascular disease: the JPHC Study. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2013;20(3):296-309. 
  4. Kamitani K, Michikawa T, Iwasawa S, Eto N, Tanaka T, Takebayashi T, Nishiwaki Y. Spinal posture in the sagittal plane is associated with future dependence in activities of daily living: a community-based cohort study of older adults in Japan. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2013;68(7):869-75. 
  5. Ueno M, Ishii Y, Tateda K, Anahara Y, Ebata A, Iida M, Inamura S, Takahata K, Suzuki Y, Chang B, Wada A, Sugita M, Tanaka T, Nishiwaki Y. Prevalence and risk factors of nasopharyngeal carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae in healthy children in Japan. Jpn J Infect Dis. 2013;66(1):22-5. 
  6. Michikawa T, Nishiwaki Y, Nakano M, Iwasawa S, Yamada M, Asakura K, Yoshioka N, Kuwahara E, Takebayashi T. Higher Serum Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Levels Are Protectively Associated with Depressive Symptoms in Men, But Not in Women: A Community-Based Cohort Study of Older Japanese. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2013;21(11):1154-63. 
  7. Nagashima M, Abe H, Amaya K, Matsumoto H, Yanaihara H, Nishiwaki Y, Toyama Y, Matsumoto M. Risk factors for lumbar disc degeneration in high school American football players: a prospective 2-year follow-up study. Am J Sports Med. 2013;41(9):2059-64. ]
  8. Mizutari K, Michikawa T, Saito H, Okamoto Y, Enomoto C, Takebayashi T, Ogawa K, Nishiwaki Y. Age-Related Hearing Loss and the Factors Determining Continued Usage of Hearing Aids among Elderly Community-Dwelling Residents. PLoS One. 2013 Sep 23;8(9):e73622. 
  9. Michikawa T,Nishiwaki Y, Asakura K, Hillebrand G, Miyamoto K, Ono M, Kinjo Y, Akiba S, Takebayashi T. Sunlight Exposure May Be a Risk Factor of Hearing Impairment: A Community-Based Study in Japanese Older Men and Women. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2013;68(1):96-103.
  10. Yasuda T, Ojima T, Nakamura M, Nagai A, Tanaka T, Kondo N, Suzuki K, Yamagata Z. Postpartum smoking relapse among women who quit during pregnancy: cross-sectional study in Japan. J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2013 Nov;39(11):1505-12.
  11. Michikawa T, Nishiwaki Y, Saito H, Mizutari K, Takebayashi T. Tinnitus preceded depressive symptoms in community-dwelling older Japanese: a prospective cohort study. Prev Med. 2013 May;56(5):333-6. 
  12. 天野由紀,西脇 祐司.まつ毛エクステンションの経験者割合とその健康障害に関する全国調査. 日本衛生学雑誌.2013;68(3);168-174.
  13. 衛藤憲人,坪田一男,田中太一郎,西脇祐司. 疫学応用に向けた可視-紫外光個人曝露量測定システムの開発. 日本衛生学雑誌.2013;68(2);118-125.
  14. 西脇 祐司. 【知る 診る 防ぐ!ロコモティブシンドローム】 サルコペニア. 関節外科 32巻10号 Page1125-1128(2013.10)
  15. 西脇 祐司. 新しいエクササイズガイドを考える 介護予防からみたエクササイズ.  日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌.2013;21(2):327-329.
  16. 真野 芳彦,* 田中 太一郎*, 保坂 嘉之, 山縣 然太朗. 2型糖尿病患者における起床から朝食までの時間及び夕食から就寝までの時間と血糖コントロール指標との関係. 山梨医科学雑誌 27巻2号 Page63-70(2013.02)
  17. 孫 大鵬 , 安藤 大輔, 佐藤 美理, 鈴木 孝太, 田中 太一郎, 永井 亜貴子, 山縣 然太朗. 男子小中学生の踵骨の定量的超音波指標と体格・生活習慣因子の関連. 山梨医科学雑誌 28巻1号 Page39-47(2013.08)