東邦大学 医学部
社会医学講座 衛生学分野/予防医療学分野
TEL 03-3762-4151(内線2405)
FAX 03-5493-5416
1. Kikuta K, Nakayama R, Yamaguchi S, Nishiwaki Y, Susa M, Nishimoto K, Horiuchi K, Nakamura M, Matsumoto M, Morioka H. Wide-spread ignorance on the treatment of subcutaneous malignant tumors; a questionnaire-based study. Jpn J Clin Oncol.2017 Dec 26. [Epub ahead of print]
2. Okuda M, Asakura K, Sasaki S. Placing Salt/Soy Sauce at Dining Tables and Out-Of-Home Behavior Are Related to Urinary Sodium Excretion in Japanese Secondary School Students. Nutrients. 2017 Nov 28;9(12).
3. Yokoyama Y, Nishiwaki Y, Michikawa T, Imamura H, Nakamura T, Takebayashi T, Takahashi H. The association of kyphosis assessed in supine and standing positions with future activities of daily living dependence: the Kurabuchi Study. Arch Osteoporos. 2017 Nov 22;12(1):105.
4. Asakura K, Sasaki S. SFA intake among Japanese schoolchildren: current status and possible intervention to prevent excess intake. Public Health Nutr. 2017 Dec;20(18):3247-3256.
5. Nakamura T, Michikawa T, Imamura H, Takebayashi T, Nishiwaki Y. Relationship Between Depressive Symptoms and Activity of Daily Living Dependence in Older Japanese: The Kurabuchi Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2017 Dec;65(12):2639-2645.
6. Sugai K, Tsuji O, Matsumoto M, Nishiwaki Y, Nakamura M. Chronic musculoskeletal pain in Japan (the final report of the 3-year longitudinal study): Association with a future decline in activities of daily living. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2017 Sep-Dec;25(3):2309499017727945.
7. Ishihara S, Fujita N, Yagi M, Tsuji T, Michikawa T, Nishiwaki Y, Fukui Y, Horiuchi K, Ishii K, Nakamura M, Matsumoto M, Watanabe K. Idiopathic Spinal Epidural Fat Accumulation is Associated With Hyperlipidemia. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2017 Aug 29. [Epub ahead of print]
8. Asakura K, Todoriki H, Sasaki S. Relationship between nutrition knowledge and dietary intake among primary school children in Japan: Combined effect of children's and their guardians' knowledge. J Epidemiol. 2017 Oct;27(10):483-491.
9. Takeshima K, Nishiwaki Y, Suda Y, Niki Y, Sato Y, Kobayashi T, Miyamoto K, Uchida H, Inokuchi W, Tsuji T, Funayama A, Nakamura M, Matsumoto M, Toyama Y, Miyamoto T. A missense single nucleotide polymorphism in the ALDH2 gene, rs671, is associated with hip fracture. Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 27;7(1):428.
10. Kiuchi T, Asakura K, Nakano M, Omae K. Bidet toilet use and incidence of hemorrhoids or urogenital infections: A one-year follow-up web survey. Prev Med Rep. 2017 Feb 16;6:121-125.
11. Asakura K, Sasaki S. School lunches in Japan: their contribution to healthier nutrient intake among elementary-school and junior high-school children. Public Health Nutr. 2017 Jun;20(9):1523-1533.
12. Watanabe K, Michikawa T, Yonezawa I, Takaso M, Minami S, Soshi S, Tsuji T, Okada E, Abe K, Takahashi M, Asakura K, Nishiwaki Y, Matsumoto M. Physical Activities and Lifestyle Factors Related to Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2017 Feb 15;99(4):284-294.
13. Kuwahara E, Murakami Y, Okamura T, Komatsu H, Nakazawa A, Ushiku H, Maejima F, Nishigaki Y, Nishiwaki Y. Increased childhood BMI is associated with young adult serum uric acid levels: a linkage study from Japan. Pediatr Res. 2017 Feb;81(2):293-298.
14. Mine T, Tanaka T, Nakasone T, Itokazu T, Yamagata Z, Nishiwaki Y. Maternal smoking during pregnancy and rapid weight gain from birth to early infancy. J Epidemiol. 2017 Mar;27(3):112-116.
15. Yoshioka N, Takebayashi T, Nishiwaki Y, Nomiyama T, Iwasawa S, Sakurai H, Omae K. Changes of median nerve conduction velocity in rayon manufacturing workers: A 6-year cohort study. J Occup Health. 2017 Mar 28;59(2):187-193.
16. 菅井桂子, 辻収彦, 松本守雄, 西脇祐司, 中村雅也. 筋骨格系慢性疼痛に対する理解度と治療機関選定についての国民意識調査. 臨床整形外科;2017:52(9):881-890.
17. 橋本邦生, 森内浩幸, 中村孝裕, 西脇祐司, 小田嶋博, 冨増邦夫, 田代香澄, 小森一広, 北島翼, 橋爪真弘.大気環境と子どもの呼吸 黄砂による小児呼吸器疾患への影響 長崎での疫学研究から.日本小児呼吸器学会雑. 2017;28(1);46-51.
18. 今村晴彦, 浅野章子, 西脇祐司. 高齢者における保健補導員経験とADLの関連 須坂市における高齢者調査の結果から. 信州公衆衛生雑誌. 2017;11(2):97-106.
19. 今村晴彦, 村上義孝, 岡村智教, 西脇祐司. 地区組織活動経験が国民健康保険医療費に及ぼす影響 長野県須坂市の保健補導員活動に着目して. 2017;64(1):25-35.
2. Okuda M, Asakura K, Sasaki S. Placing Salt/Soy Sauce at Dining Tables and Out-Of-Home Behavior Are Related to Urinary Sodium Excretion in Japanese Secondary School Students. Nutrients. 2017 Nov 28;9(12).
3. Yokoyama Y, Nishiwaki Y, Michikawa T, Imamura H, Nakamura T, Takebayashi T, Takahashi H. The association of kyphosis assessed in supine and standing positions with future activities of daily living dependence: the Kurabuchi Study. Arch Osteoporos. 2017 Nov 22;12(1):105.
4. Asakura K, Sasaki S. SFA intake among Japanese schoolchildren: current status and possible intervention to prevent excess intake. Public Health Nutr. 2017 Dec;20(18):3247-3256.
5. Nakamura T, Michikawa T, Imamura H, Takebayashi T, Nishiwaki Y. Relationship Between Depressive Symptoms and Activity of Daily Living Dependence in Older Japanese: The Kurabuchi Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2017 Dec;65(12):2639-2645.
6. Sugai K, Tsuji O, Matsumoto M, Nishiwaki Y, Nakamura M. Chronic musculoskeletal pain in Japan (the final report of the 3-year longitudinal study): Association with a future decline in activities of daily living. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2017 Sep-Dec;25(3):2309499017727945.
7. Ishihara S, Fujita N, Yagi M, Tsuji T, Michikawa T, Nishiwaki Y, Fukui Y, Horiuchi K, Ishii K, Nakamura M, Matsumoto M, Watanabe K. Idiopathic Spinal Epidural Fat Accumulation is Associated With Hyperlipidemia. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2017 Aug 29. [Epub ahead of print]
8. Asakura K, Todoriki H, Sasaki S. Relationship between nutrition knowledge and dietary intake among primary school children in Japan: Combined effect of children's and their guardians' knowledge. J Epidemiol. 2017 Oct;27(10):483-491.
9. Takeshima K, Nishiwaki Y, Suda Y, Niki Y, Sato Y, Kobayashi T, Miyamoto K, Uchida H, Inokuchi W, Tsuji T, Funayama A, Nakamura M, Matsumoto M, Toyama Y, Miyamoto T. A missense single nucleotide polymorphism in the ALDH2 gene, rs671, is associated with hip fracture. Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 27;7(1):428.
10. Kiuchi T, Asakura K, Nakano M, Omae K. Bidet toilet use and incidence of hemorrhoids or urogenital infections: A one-year follow-up web survey. Prev Med Rep. 2017 Feb 16;6:121-125.
11. Asakura K, Sasaki S. School lunches in Japan: their contribution to healthier nutrient intake among elementary-school and junior high-school children. Public Health Nutr. 2017 Jun;20(9):1523-1533.
12. Watanabe K, Michikawa T, Yonezawa I, Takaso M, Minami S, Soshi S, Tsuji T, Okada E, Abe K, Takahashi M, Asakura K, Nishiwaki Y, Matsumoto M. Physical Activities and Lifestyle Factors Related to Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2017 Feb 15;99(4):284-294.
13. Kuwahara E, Murakami Y, Okamura T, Komatsu H, Nakazawa A, Ushiku H, Maejima F, Nishigaki Y, Nishiwaki Y. Increased childhood BMI is associated with young adult serum uric acid levels: a linkage study from Japan. Pediatr Res. 2017 Feb;81(2):293-298.
14. Mine T, Tanaka T, Nakasone T, Itokazu T, Yamagata Z, Nishiwaki Y. Maternal smoking during pregnancy and rapid weight gain from birth to early infancy. J Epidemiol. 2017 Mar;27(3):112-116.
15. Yoshioka N, Takebayashi T, Nishiwaki Y, Nomiyama T, Iwasawa S, Sakurai H, Omae K. Changes of median nerve conduction velocity in rayon manufacturing workers: A 6-year cohort study. J Occup Health. 2017 Mar 28;59(2):187-193.
16. 菅井桂子, 辻収彦, 松本守雄, 西脇祐司, 中村雅也. 筋骨格系慢性疼痛に対する理解度と治療機関選定についての国民意識調査. 臨床整形外科;2017:52(9):881-890.
17. 橋本邦生, 森内浩幸, 中村孝裕, 西脇祐司, 小田嶋博, 冨増邦夫, 田代香澄, 小森一広, 北島翼, 橋爪真弘.大気環境と子どもの呼吸 黄砂による小児呼吸器疾患への影響 長崎での疫学研究から.日本小児呼吸器学会雑. 2017;28(1);46-51.
18. 今村晴彦, 浅野章子, 西脇祐司. 高齢者における保健補導員経験とADLの関連 須坂市における高齢者調査の結果から. 信州公衆衛生雑誌. 2017;11(2):97-106.
19. 今村晴彦, 村上義孝, 岡村智教, 西脇祐司. 地区組織活動経験が国民健康保険医療費に及ぼす影響 長野県須坂市の保健補導員活動に着目して. 2017;64(1):25-35.