
東邦大学 医学部
社会医学講座 衛生学分野/予防医療学分野

TEL 03-3762-4151(内線2405)
FAX 03-5493-5416


1.    Aoki T, Ito H, Ogura T, Hirata A, Nishiwaki Y, Kameda H. Association of age with the non-achievement of clinical and functional remission in rheumatoid arthritis. . Sci Rep. 2020;10:15277.

2.    Araki S, Hasunuma H, Yamamoto K, Shima M, Michikawa T, Nitta H, Nakayama SF, Yamazaki S. Estimating monthly concentrations of ambient key air pollutants in Japan during 2010-2015 for a national-scale birth cohort. Environ Pollut 2021;284:117483.

3.    Asakura K, Mori S, Sasaki S, Nishiwaki Y. A school-based nutrition education program involving children and their guardians in Japan: facilitation of guardian-child communication and reduction of nutrition knowledge disparity. Nutr J 2021;20:92.

4.    Hasunuma H, Takeuchi A, Ono R, Amimoto Y, Hwang YH, Uno I, Shimizu A, Nishiwaki Y, Hashizume M, Askew DJ, Odajima H. Effect of Asian dust on respiratory symptoms among children with and without asthma, and their sensitivity. Sci Total Environ 2021;753:141585.

5.    Igarashi M, Ayabe T,Yamamoto-Harada K,Matsubara K, Sasaki H, Saito-Abe M, Sato M, Mise N, Ikegami A,Shimono M,Suga R,Ohga S, Sanefuji M, Oda M,Mitsubuchi H,Michikawa T, Yamazaki S, Nakayama SF, Ohya Y, Fukami M. Female-dominant estrogen production in healthy young children before adrenarche. Endocr Connect 2021;10:1221-1226.

6.    Iwai-Shimada M, Kobayashi Y, Isobe T, Nakayama SF, Sekiyama M, Taniguchi Y, Yamazaki S, Michikawa T, Oda M, Mitsubuchi H, Sanefuji M, Ohga S, Mise N, Ikegami A, Suga R, Shimono M. Validation of simultaneous quantitative analysis of methyl-mercury and inorganic mercury in cord blood using LC-ICP-MS and LC-CVAFS: the pilot study of the Japan Environment and Children’s Study. Toxics 2021;8:92.

7.    JungCR, NakayamaSF, IsobeT, Iwai-ShimadaM, KobayashiY, NishihamaY, MichikawaT, SekiyamaM, TaniguchiY, NittaH, Yamazaki S. Exposure to heavy metal exposures modifies optimal gestational weight gain: A large nationally representative cohort of the Japan Environment and Children’s Study. Environ Int 2021;146:106276. 

8.    Jung CR, Nishihama Y, Nakayama SF, Tamura K, Isobe T, Michikawa T, Iwai-Shimada M, Kobayashi Y, Sekiyama M, Taniguchi Y, Yamazaki S. Indoor air quality of 5,000 households and its determinants. Part B: Volatile organic compounds and inorganic gaseous pollutants in the Japan Environment and Children’s Study. Environ Res 2021;197:111135. 

9.    Kim Y, Park EH, Ng CFS, Chung Y, Hashimoto K, Tashiro K, Hasunuma H, Doi M, Tamura K, Moriuchi H, Nishiwaki Y, Kim H, Yi SM, Kim H, Hashizume M. Respiratory function declines in children with asthma associated with chemical species of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in Nagasaki, Japan. Environ Health 2021;20:110

10. Kojima S, Michikawa T, Matsui K, Ogawa H, Yamazaki S, Nitta H, Takami A, Ueda K, Tahara Y, Yonemoto N, Nonogi H, Nagao K, Ikeda T, Kobayashi Y. Fine particulate matter and bystander-witnessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrest of respiratory origin. Eur Resp J 2021;57:2004299. 

11. Ma C, Iwai-Shimada M, Nakayama SF, Isobe T, Kobayashi Y, Tatsuta N, Taniguchi Y, Sekiyama M, Michikawa T, Yamazaki S, Kamijima M. Association of prenatal exposure to cadmium with neurodevelopment in children at 2 years of age: The Japan Environment and Children’s Study. Environ Int 2021;156:106762. 

12. Michikawa T, Yamazaki S, Ueda K, Yoshino A, Sugata S, Nitta H, Saito S, Hoshi J, Takami A. Effects of exposure to chemical components of fine particulate matter on mortality in Tokyo: A case-crossover study. Sci Total Environ 2021;55:142489.

13. Michikawa T, Morokuma S, Yamazaki S, Takami A, Sugata S, Yoshino A, TakedaY, Nakahara K, SaitoS, HoshiJ, KatoK, NittaH, Nishiwaki Y. Exposure to chemical components of fine particulate matter and ozone, and placenta- mediated pregnancy complications in Tokyo: A register-based study. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol2021 Feb 18. doi: 10.1038/s41370-021-00299-4.

14. Michikawa T, Morokuma S, Takeda Y, Yamazaki S, Nakahara K, Takami A, Yoshino A, Sugata S, SaitoS, HoshiJ, KatoK, NittaH, Nishiwaki Y. Maternal exposure to fine particulate matter over the first trimester and umbilical cord insertion abnormalities. Int J Epidemiol2021 Sep 15;dyab192. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyab192.

15.Mori S, Asakura K, Sasaki S, Nishiwaki Y. Relationship between maternal employment status and children's food intake in Japan. Environ Health Prev Med 2021;26:106

16.Morisaki N, Piedvache A, Nagata C, Michikawa T, Morokuma S, Kato K, Sanefuji M, Shibata E, Tsuji M, Shimono M, Ohga S, Kusuhara K. Maternal blood count parameters of chronic inflammation by gestational age and their associations with risk of preterm delivery in the Japan Environment and Children's Study. Sci Rep 2021;11:15522.   

17.Nakahara K, Michikawa T, Morokuma S, OgawaM, Kato K, Sanefujia M, Shibata E, Tsuji M, Shimono M, Kawamoto T, Ohga S, Kusuhara K. Influence of physical activity before and during pregnancy on infant’s sleep and neurodevelopment at 1-year-old. Sci Rep 2021;11:8099.

18.Nakahara K, Michikawa T, Morokuma S, OgawaM, Kato K, Sanefujia M, Shibata E, Tsuji M, Shimono M, Kawamoto T, Ohga S, Kusuhara K. Association of maternal sleep before and during pregnancy with sleep and developmental problems in 1-year-old infants. Sci Rep 2021;11:11834. 
19.Namba F, Tanaka K, Omori S, Ikeda K, Kawabata K, Sato H, Honda M, Ichikawa T, Minosaki Y, Michikawa T, Oka S, Kabe K. Extreme prematurity and pulmonary outcomes program in Saitama: Protocol for a prospective multicenter cohort study in Japan. JMIR Res Protoc 2021;10:e22948.

20.Nishihama Y, Jung CR, Nakayama SF, Tamura K, Isobe T, Michikawa T, Iwai-Shimada M, Kobayashi Y, Sekiyama M, Taniguchi Y, Yamazaki S. Indoor air quality of 5,000 households and its determinants. Part A: Particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10–2.5) concentrations in the Japan Environment and Children’s Study. Environ Res 2021;198:111196.

21.Nishihama Y, Nakayama SF, Isobe T, Jung CR, Iwai-Shimada M, Kobayashi Y, Michikawa T, Sekiyama M, Taniguchi Y, Yamazaki S. Urinary metabolites of organophosphate pesticides among pregnant women participating in the Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS).Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021;18:8284

22.Nogi K, Imamura H, Asakura K, Nishiwaki Y. Association of Structural Social Capital and Self-Reported Well-Being among Japanese Community-Dwelling Adults: A Longitudinal Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021;18:8284

23.Okada E, Ishihara S, AzumaK, MichikawaT, Suzuki S, Tsuji O, Nori S, Nagoshi N, Yagi M, TakayamaM, Tsuji T, FujitaN, NakamuraM, Matsumoto M, Watanabe K. Metabolic syndrome is a predisposing factor for diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis. Neurospine 2021;18:108-116. 

24.Osawa E, Asakura K, Okamura T, Suzuki K, Fujiwara T, Maejima F, Nishiwaki Y.Tracking Pattern of Total Cholesterol Levels from Childhood to Adolescence in Japan. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2021 Jan 7. doi: 10.5551/jat.59790. Online ahead of print.

25.Sato K, Date H, Michikawa T, Morita M, Hayakawa K, Kaneko S, Fujita N.  Preoperative prevalence of deep vein thrombosis in patients with musculoskeletal degenerative disorders. BMC Muscloskelet Disord 2021;22:513

26.Suzuki S, Fujiwara H, Nori S, Tsuji O, Nagoshi N, Okada E, Fujita N, Yagi M, Nohara A, Kawakami N, Michikawa T, Nakamura M, Matsumoto M, Watanabe K. Residual lumbar curvature that developed during adolescence accelerates intervertebral disc degeneration in adulthood. Spine Deform 2021;9:711-720.

27.TakedaY, Michikawa T, Morokuma S, Yamazaki S, Nakahara K, Yoshino A, Sugata S, Takami A, SaitoS, HoshiJ, KatoK, NittaH, Nishiwaki Y. Trimester-specific association of maternal exposure to fine particulate matter and its components with birth and placental weight in Japan. J Occup Environ Med 2021;63:771-778. 

28.Takebayashi T, Taguri M, Odajima H, Hasegawa S, Asakura K, Milojevic A, Takeuchi A, Konno S, Morikawa M, Tsukahara T, Ueda K, Mukai Y, Minami M, Nishiwaki Y, Yoshimura T, Nishimura M, Nitta H.Exposure to PM2.5 and Lung Function Growth in Pre- and Early Adolescent Schoolchildren. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2021Oct 21. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.202104-511OC. Online ahead of print.

29.Takeuchi A, Nishiwaki Y, Okamura T, Milojevic A, Ueda K, Asakura K, Takebayashi T, Hasegawa S, Sairenchi T, Irie F, Ota H, Nitta H.Long-Term Exposure to Particulate Matter and Mortality from Cardiovascular Diseases in Japan: The Ibaraki Prefectural Health Study (IPHS). J Atheroscler Thromb 2021;28:230-240.

30.Watanabe K, Daimon K, Fujiwara H, Nishiwaki Y, Okada E, Nojiri K, Watanabe M, Katoh H, Shimizu K, Ishihama H, Fujita N, Ichihara D, Tsuji T, Nakamura M, Matsumoto M. The Long-term Impact of Whiplash Injuries on Patient Symptoms and the Associated Degenerative Changes Detected Using MRI: A Prospective 20-year Follow-up Study Comparing Patients with Whiplash-associated Disorders with Asymptomatic Subjects. Spine 2021;46:710-716.

31.Yagi M, Michikawa T, Suzuki S, Okada E, Nori S, Tsuji O, Nagoshi N, Asazuma T, Hosogane N, Fujita N, Nakamura M, Matsumoto M, Watanabe K. Characterization of patients with poor risk for clinical outcomes in adult symptomatic lumbar deformity surgery. Spine 2021;46:813-821. 
1. 今村晴彦.“遠慮がちな”ソーシャル・キャピタル再訪ー長野県須坂市の保健補導員制度を例にー.稲葉陽二(編著)ソーシャル・キャピタルからみた人間関係 : 社会関係資本の光と影 2021; 211-231.

2.今村晴彦.セルフ・ネグレクトとソーシャルキャピタル.岸恵美子(編著)セルフ・ネグレクトのアセスメントとケア : ツールを活用したゴミ屋敷・支援拒否・8050問題への対応 2021; 98-104.

3. 内富庸介(監修), 今村晴彦, 島津太一(監訳).実装研究のための統合フレームワークCFIR—.保健医療福祉における普及と実装科学研究会 2021. https://www.radish-japan.org/files/CFIR_Guidebook2021.pdf

4. 岸恵美子, 望月由紀子, 坂本美佐子, 渡辺昌子, 下園美保子, 野尻由香, 吉岡定子, 浜崎優子, 小長谷百絵, 今村晴彦, 野村祥平.不衛生な家屋で生活するセルフ・ネグレクト状態の高齢者の特徴と対応する専門職の困難.高齢者虐待防止研究 2021;17(1) 56-70.

5. 島津太一小田原幸,  梶有貴深井航太今村晴彦齋藤順子湯脇恵一立道昌幸.
産業保健における実装科学 2022;34 :117-153


7. 浜崎優子,吉岡幸子,今村晴彦.地域アセスメントツールの活用とポイント.岸恵美子(編著)セルフ・ネグレクトのアセスメントとケア : ツールを活用したゴミ屋敷・支援拒否・8050問題への対応 2021; 260-269.
8. 牧之瀬 翔平古島 大資中村 洸友梅垣 敬三朝倉 敬子神村 裕子天野 , 千葉, 山田浩.健康食品の摂取に伴う有害事象情報の収集のための統一報告フォーマットの作成と医療従事者による実用性評価.臨床薬理 2021;52(3):55-61.

9. 道川武紘. 先天性外科疾患の予防に係る研究の動向.
  小児外科 2021;53(7):758-61.