
東邦大学 医学部
社会医学講座 衛生学分野/予防医療学分野

TEL 03-3762-4151(内線2405)
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1.   Amemiya A, Asakura K, Nishiwaki Y, Shimizu N. Factors affecting activities of daily living among patients with Wilson disease. J Inherit Metab Dis 2023;46:735-743.

2.   Fujii T, Daimon K Ozaki M, Suzuki S, Takahashi Y, Tsuji O, Nagoshi N, Yagi M, Michikawa T, Matsumoto M, Nakamura M, Watanabe K. 10-year longitudinal MRI study of intervertebral disc degeneration in patients with lumbar spinal canal stenosis after posterior lumbar decompression surgery. Spine 2023;48:815-824.

3.   Hachiya K, Kawabata S, Michikawa T, Nagai S, Takeda H, Ikeda D, Kaneko S, Fujita N. Assessment of locomotive syndrome stages of patients scheduled to have surgery for cervical spondylotic myelopathy using the 25-Question Geriatric Locomotive Function Scale: a cross-sectional study. Fujita Med J 2023;9:346-252.

4.  Imai T, Nagai S, Michikawa T, Inagaki R, Kawabata S, Ito K, Hachiya K, Takeda H, Ikeda D, Yamada S, Fujita N, Kaneko S. Impact of lumbar surgery on pharmacological treatment for patients with lumbar spinal canal stenosis. J Clin Med 2023;12:2385

5.   Kojima S, Michikawa T, Tsujita K. Three-year follow-up of the impact of Kumamoto earthquake on acute myocardial infarctions: An interrupted time series analysis. Am Heart J Plus 2023;26:100246.

6.   Kondo K, Ono Y, Ohfuji S, Watanabe K, Yamagami H, Watanabe M, Nishiwaki Y, Fukushima W, Hirota Y, Suzuki Y; Japanese CaseControl Study Group for Ulcerative Colitis. Smoking and drinking habits relating to development of ulcerative colitis in Japanese: A multicenter case-control study. JGH Open 2022;7:61-67.

7.   Kikuchi K, Michikawa T, Morokuma S, Hamada N, Suetsugu Y, Ikeda S, Nakahara K, Kato K, Ochiai M, Shibata E, Tsuji M, Shimono M, Kawamoto T, Ohga S, Kusuhara K. Sleep quality and temperament in association with autism spectrum disorder among infants in Japan. Commu Med 2023;3:82. 

8.   Kurata H, Meguro S, Abe Y, Sasaki T, Asakura K, Arai Y, Itoh H. Dietary protein intake and all-cause mortality: results from The Kawasaki Aging and Wellbeing Project. BMC Geriatr 2023;23:479.

9.   Michikawa T. Which components of fine particulate matter have adverse vascular health? J Atheroscler Thromb 2023;30:1547-1548.

10. Mori S, Asakura K, Sasaki S, Nishiwaki Y. Misreporting of height and weight by primary school children in Japan: a cross-sectional study on individual and environmental determinants. BMC Public Health 2023;23:775.

11. Nagai S, Inagaki R, Michikawa T, Kawabata S, Ito K, Hachiya K, Takeda H, Ikeda D, Kaneko S, Yamada S, Fujita N.Efficacy of surgical treatment on polypharmacy of elderly patients with lumbar spinal canal stenosis. BMC Geriatr 2023;23:169.

12. Nakajima Y, Hachiya K, Michikawa T, Nagai S, Takeda H Kawabata S, Yoshioka A, Kimtata H, Ikeda D, Kaneko S, Ohno Y, Hachiya Y, Fujita N. Impact of surgical treatment on lipid metabolism in patients with lumbar spinal disorders: Prospective observational study. Eur Spine J 2023;32:4153-4161.

13. Oono F, Murakami K, Fujiwara A, Shinozaki N, Adachi R, Asakura K, Masayasu S, Sasaki S. Development of a Diet Quality Score for Japanese and Comparison With Existing Diet Quality Scores Regarding Inadequacy of Nutrient Intake. J Nutr 2023;153:798-810.

14. Ozaki M, Suzuki S, Michikawa T, Takahashi Y, Nori S, Tsuji O, Nagoshi N, Yagi M, Fujita N, Nakamura M, Matsumoto M, Watanabe K. Impact of pleural effusion at an early period after posterior spinal fusion for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis on future pulmonary function and lung volume. North Am Spine Soc J 2023;16:100289.

15.Shinozaki N, Murakami K, Asakura K, Masayasu S, Sasaki S. Consumption of highly processed foods in relation to overall diet quality among Japanese adults: a nationwide study. Public Health Nutr 2023;26:1784-1797.

16.Sugimoto M, Asakura K, Mori S, Shinozaki N, Murakami K, Imamura H, Nishiwaki Y. The nutritional characteristics of usual lunches consumed among Japanese workers: Comparison between different lunch type group. J Occup Environ Med 2023 Oct 6. doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000002989. Online ahead of print.

17.Sugimoto M, Yuan X, Uechi K, Sasaki S. The nutritional profile of commercial complementary foods in Japan: comparison between low- and high-price products. Br J Nutr 2023;130:1595-1608.

18.Sugimoto M, Murakami K, Sasaki S. What happened among Japanese children from school closure due to COVID-19 after school re-opening? Changes in sleep habits and dietary intake. J Nutr Sci 2023;12:e8.
19.Taneichi H, Kanemura T, Inoue G, Iwase Y, Ueda H, Kuzuhara A, Kurozumi T, Takahashi E, Takahashi H, Nakamae A, Hashiguchi H, Hiraizumi Y, Mae T, Morioka H, Yagi M, Sairenchi T, Nishiwaki Y, Inagaki T, Akiyama H, Nakashima Y. Current status and future prospects of the Japanese orthopaedic association national registry (JOANR), Japan's first national registry of orthopaedic surgery. J Orthop Sci 2023;28:683-692

20.Tsuji O, Suda K, Michikawa T, Takahata M, Ozaki M, Konomi T, Harmon-Matsumoto S, Komatsu M, Ushiku C, Menjo Y, Iimoto S, Watanabe K, Nakamura M, Matsumoto M, Minami A, Iwasaki N. Risk factors of AIS C incomplete cervical spinal cord injury for poor prognosis—the significance of anorectal evaluation. J Orthop Sci 2023;28:1227-1233.

21.Ushiku C, Suda K, Michikawa T, Matsumoto-Harmon S, Komatsu M, Tsuji O, Takahata M, Saito M, Iwasaki N, Minami A. Incidence of and risk factors for pneumonia in the chronic phase of cervical spinal cord injury with complete motor paralysis. Spine Surg Relat Res 2023;7:333-340.

22.Yu T, Oguma Y, Asakura K, Abe Y, Arai Y. Relationship between dietary patterns and physical performance in the very old population: a cross-sectional study from the Kawasaki Aging and Wellbeing Project. Public Health Nutr 2023;26:1163-1171.

1. 道川武紘. 大気中PM2.5の健康影響に関する環境疫学研究 
エアロゾル研究  2023;38:5-10.

2道川武紘. 妊娠初期の微小粒子状物質濃度と臍帯付着部異常との関連性について.
東邦医学会雑誌 2023;70:47-50.

3. 吉野彩子, 道川武紘. PM2.5の現状とその健康影響(日本における長期影響の知見)ビルと環境 2023;180:40-50.