東邦大学 医学部
社会医学講座 衛生学分野/予防医療学分野
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大学院生修士課程 発表予行
室谷浩二先生(神奈川県立こども医療センター 内分泌代謝科)による特別講義
Life-event stress induced by the Great East Japan Earthquake was associated with relapse in ulcerative colitis but not Crohn's disease: a retrospective cohort study.
Shiga H, Miyazawa T, Kinouchi Y, Takahashi S, Tominaga G, Takahashi H, Takagi S, Obana N, Kikuchi T, Oomori S, Nomura E, Shiraki M, Sato Y, Takahashi S, Umemura K, Yokoyama H, Endo K, Kakuta Y, Aizawa H, Matsuura M, Kimura T, Kuroha M, Shimosegawa T.
BMJ Open. 2013 Feb 8;3(2). pii: e002294. PMID: 23396562
スウェーデンの高齢者における連結型ソーシャル・キャピタルと死亡率の関連 Linking social capital and mortality in the elderly: a Swedish national cohort study.
Sundquist K, Hamano T, Li X, Kawakami N, Shiwaku K, Sundquist J.
Exp Gerontol. 2014 Jul;55:29-36. PMID: 24632181
Exp Gerontol. 2014 Jul;55:29-36. PMID: 24632181
第73回日本公衆衛生学会総会 予演会
Is gestational weight gain associated with offspring obesity at 36 months?
Diesel JC, Eckhardt CL, Day NL, Brooks MM, Arslanian SA, Bodnar LM.
Pediatr Obes. 2014 Sep 30. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25267200
Pediatr Obes. 2014 Sep 30. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25267200
Light at night and breast cancer risk among California teachers.
Hurley S, Goldberg D, Nelson D, Hertz A, Horn-Ross PL, Bernstein L, Reynolds P.
Epidemiology. 2014 Sep;25(5):697-706. PMID: 25061924
Six persistent research misconceptions.
Rothman KJ.
J Gen Intern Med. 2014 Jul;29(7):1060-4. PMID: 24452418
J Gen Intern Med. 2014 Jul;29(7):1060-4. PMID: 24452418
Prenatal valproate exposure and risk of autism spectrum disor
Christensen J, Grønborg TK, Sørensen MJ, Schendel D, Parner ET, Pedersen LH, Vestergaard M.
JAMA. 2013 Apr 24;309(16):1696-703. PMID: 23613074
JAMA. 2013 Apr 24;309(16):1696-703. PMID: 23613074
Decrease in risk of lung cancer death in Japanese men after smoking cessation by age at quitting: pooled analysis of three large-scale cohort studies.
Wakai K1, Marugame T, Kuriyama S, Sobue T, Tamakoshi A, Satoh H, Tajima K, Suzuki T, Tsugane S..
Cancer Sci. 2007 Apr;98(4):584-9. PMID: 17425595
Cancer Sci. 2007 Apr;98(4):584-9. PMID: 17425595
Relationships between changes in time spent walking since middle age and incident functional disability.
Chou WT, Tomata Y, Watanabe T, Sugawara Y, Kakizaki M, Tsuji I.
Prev Med. 2014 Feb;59:68-72. PMID: 24291684
Prev Med. 2014 Feb;59:68-72. PMID: 24291684
Incidence of childhood obesity in the United States.
Cunningham SA, Kramer MR, Narayan KM.
N Engl J Med. 2014 Jan 30;370(5):403-11. PMID: 24476431
N Engl J Med. 2014 Jan 30;370(5):403-11. PMID: 24476431
Breast cancer detection and survival among women with cosmetic breast implants: systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies.
Lavigne E1, Holowaty EJ, Pan SY, Villeneuve PJ, Johnson KC, Fergusson DA, Morrison H, Brisson J.
BMJ. 2013 Apr 29;346:f2399. doi: 10.1136/bmj.f2399. PMID: 23637132
BMJ. 2013 Apr 29;346:f2399. doi: 10.1136/bmj.f2399. PMID: 23637132
神田秀幸先生(横浜市立大学 医学部 社会予防医学教室)による特別講義
Dietary dairy product intake and incident type 2 diabetes: a prospective study using dietary data from a 7-day food diary.
O'Connor LM1, Lentjes MA, Luben RN, Khaw KT, Wareham NJ, Forouhi NG.
Diabetologia. 2014 May;57(5):909-17. PMID: 24510203
Diabetologia. 2014 May;57(5):909-17. PMID: 24510203
Workplace social capital and all-cause mortality: a prospective cohort study of 28,043 public-sector employees in Finland.
Oksanen T, Kivimäki M, Kawachi I, Subramanian SV, Takao S, Suzuki E, Kouvonen A, Pentti J, Salo P, Virtanen M, Vahtera J.
Am J Public Health. 2011 Sep;101(9):1742-8. PMID: 21778502
Am J Public Health. 2011 Sep;101(9):1742-8. PMID: 21778502
Effects of promoting longer-term and exclusive breastfeeding on adiposity and insulin-like growth factor-I at age 11.5 years: a randomized trial.
Martin RM1, Patel R, Kramer MS, Guthrie L, Vilchuck K, Bogdanovich N, Sergeichick N, Gusina N, Foo Y, Palmer T, Rifas-Shiman SL, Gillman MW, Smith GD, Oken E.
JAMA. 2013 Mar 13;309(10):1005-13. PMID: 23483175
JAMA. 2013 Mar 13;309(10):1005-13. PMID: 23483175
A case-control study of long-term exposure to ambient volatile organic compounds and lung cancer in toronto, ontario, Canada.
Villeneuve PJ, Jerrett M, Brenner D, Su J, Chen H, McLaughlin JR.
Am J Epidemiol. 2014 Feb 15;179(4):443-51. PMID: 24287467
Am J Epidemiol. 2014 Feb 15;179(4):443-51. PMID: 24287467
Effectiveness of monovalent rotavirus vaccine in Bolivia: case-control study.
Patel MM1, Patzi M, Pastor D, Nina A, Roca Y, Alvarez L, Iniguez V, Rivera R, Tam KI, Quaye O, Bowen M, Parashar U, De Oliveira LH.
BMJ. 2013 Jun 19;346:f3726. PMID: 23783434
BMJ. 2013 Jun 19;346:f3726. PMID: 23783434
Breastfeeding as a modifier of the respiratory effects of air pollution in children.
Dong GH, Qian ZM, Liu MM, Wang D, Ren WH, Bawa S, Fu J, Wang J, Lewis R, Zelicoff A, Simckes M, Trevathan E.
Epidemiology. 2013 May;24(3):387-94. PMID: 23429406
Epidemiology. 2013 May;24(3):387-94. PMID: 23429406
Organizational justice and major depressive episodes in Japanese employees: a cross-sectional study.
Inoue A, Kawakami N, Tsuno K, Tomioka K, Nakanishi M.
J Occup Health. 2013 Jun 28;55(2):47-55. PMID: 23327888
J Occup Health. 2013 Jun 28;55(2):47-55. PMID: 23327888