ALS Café(患者会)
ALS Caféとは
- ALSクリニックの医師(脳神経内科、リハビリテーション科、胃瘻造設施行医)、看護師、呼吸ケアチーム、リハビリテーション療法士、栄養士、ソーシャルワーカーなどの多職種の専門スタッフが皆様の疑問にお答えします。
- 患者さんや介護者同士で悩みをお話しして、介護の情報やアイディアを出し合い、皆様の日常生活に役立てるような機会を提供していきます。
これらの内容は、 ALS ACTION! というサイトに一部掲載されていますので、是非、ALS Café を覗いてみてください。この交流会を通じて、『患者さんが安心して療養できる』ことに少しでもお役に立てればと切に願っております。
We hold a nationwide event called "ALS Café" every year for patients with ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases, their families (bereaved), caregivers, and medical staffs.
The aim of “ALS Café”
- Multidisciplinary professional staff such as neurologists, physiatrists, and gastrostomy surgeons, nurses, respiratory care team, rehabilitation therapists, nutritionists, and social workers will answer your questions.
- We will provide opportunities for patients and caregivers to talk with each other about their problems and to share information and ideas about care that will be useful in your daily life.
We will be joined by bereaved family volunteers from the Japan ALS Association (JALSA), who will share their thoughts and experiences with us. We will be able to hear the thoughts and experiences of the bereaved families of those who have had tracheotomies and those who have chosen not to have tracheotomies to deal with the inevitable breathing problems of ALS.
The social event has been held in a festive atmosphere, with booths displaying Robot Suit HALⓇ, nutrition, communication tools, and respiratory-related items.
We have been hit by the COVID-19 epidemic since the third event in 2021, and unfortunately, we could not have direct interaction among patients. However, we have not been defeated by the COVID-19 epidemic and have been holding a new ALS exchange meeting using the Web. We have had experts in various fields give lectures on topics that have become social issues, such as COVID-19 countermeasures, decision making, and euthanasia for ALS patients, which are of great interest to everyone. We also have a discussion session where participants can send us their concerns in advance by e-mail and we can answer as many questions as possible on the day.
Some of these web contents are posted on the ALS ACTION! website. It is my sincere hope that this event will be of some help to the patients in their recovery.
第8回 ALS Café Webのお知らせ(2024/09/07)
第7回 ALS Café Webのお知らせ(2023/10/07)
第6回 ALS Café Webのお知らせ(2022/09/17)
第5回 ALS Café Web再配信のお知らせ(2021/08/09)
第5回 ALS Café Webのお知らせ(2021/06/26)
第4回 ALS Café Webのお知らせ(2020/09/26)
第3回 ALS Café Webのお知らせ(2020/05/30)
第2回 ALS Café のお知らせ(2019/09/28)
第1回 ALS Café のお知らせ(2018/02/10)